Dutch Herring

Note that the herring is eaten raw and not cooked. The Dutch herring available in your country is more salty than in Holland. This is due to the fact that the preserving salt has gone through a longer permeation process. In Holland the fish is eaten almost as soon as it is brought ashore. In your country it is advisable to soak the herring in milk or water 24 hours before serving, renewing the liquid at intervals and to do this after the fish has been cleaned and skinned. Serve Dutch herring an small toasted canapés as an appetiser, on ice cubes, with boiled new potatoes and green salad.

Herring Salad


1 small cooked beetroot
2 cooking apples
some (pickled) onions and gherkins
8 cold cooked potatoes
2 hard boiled eggs
some lettuce or curly endives
2 tbsp. Salad oil
2 tbsp. Vinegar, salt, mayonnaise
3 fresh salted herrings.
